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Kick-Starter Project


This was a two week school Kick-starter project in which we were working in groups of 4-5 people. We all had to think of our selves as a new company that wanted to get our idea backed on Kick-starter. So we all needed to think of a product we wanted to make, create a design, write a script for a 30-60 sec. video, and get it up on a website made by one of the web classes. The third week we presented the project’s for the teachers and the classes, and got evaluated as an end on the project period.


In this project I played the role as the art director. In the start we all did the same things, like choosing what to make, figuring out a name and a product design, but later when the modeling began we began to get more in to our roles. Half through the project I were filming the clips for the video, and making the design for our web and as part of my role I should make sure the product looked good in the pictures, and stitch it all together in Premiere Pro so we could send the video to the web team.


We were 5 people on this project. Four 3D Artists and a web Coder. The 3D artists were:

Daniel T. O’Reilly : Leader

Benjamin B. Henriksen : 2D Artist/Script writer

Jesper W. Andersen

Jakub Vymetal: Art Director

The Web coder:

Jonaz Pedersen 

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